I need to get out of this classroom!

Hey Reader!

It is almost time for spring break! Well, I should say, we are all ready for spring break! The days are longer, the sun is shining and the temperatures are warmer. The students and teachers are restless. In my area, there was no snow or even mention of snow so it has been a long winter. So, we are ready for a break!

Aside from the much needed break teachers need, spring is also a time for teaching contracts to be extended along with all the buzz of who is staying or leaving the school. For those who may have a few years under their belt or for those who may be mid-career, there may be a desire to do something different. I will not try to speculate the reasons for the change as there are many I am certain! I hear some people now lamenting, "I don't want to be a principal!" LOL I mostly communicate with teachers who express a desire to "leave the classroom" but lack a pathway to do so.

I have created an acronym, S.T.A.N.D. which includes five powerful strategies to put into place so that educators who wish to move out of the classroom can have the foundational skills to take the next steps to advance their career. It is not enough to express a desire; without any your goal is simply a dream.

For some teachers, they may have applied and possibly interviewed for teacher leader positions but have not been extended an offer. Sharpening or developing your skills set is critical. The only people is this world who will give you what you want are your parents! And depending on certain circumstances, your wishes may not have been extended by your parents either! LOL

Do not get in your feelings! Take action! Begin by purchasing my new release dropping this spring. Take advantage of pre-release pricing. Prices will increase upon release. When you purchase S.T.A.N.D. at the pre-release pricing, you will receive an author signed copy delivered to your door and will be among the first to take advantage of the nuggets of wisdom I share based on my knowledge and experiences.

I am putting the finishing touches on my book cover (what you see linked above is only a prototype) and editing the layout.

I am excited to share my knowledge and assist others in their career journeys. Feel free to share this link with your colleagues! S.T.A.N.D with me...Dr. D!

Until next time,

Hi! I'm Dr. D!

I assist potential and current teacher leaders with professional skill development to attain instructional leadership positions. Join our email community and you will receive a freebie " 5 Mistakes to Avoid for Aspiring Instructional Leaders." I look forward to sharing and learning with you!

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